ROTARY/One CPS Opportunity Grants

The Rotary Club of Chicago (ROTARY/One) is requesting grant proposals from Chicago Public Schools teachers and administrators to support underserved areas and student populations and to improve educational outcomes in Chicago.

ROTARY/One Grant Objectives

ROTARY/One has identified several objectives for this grant program:

• Improve educational outcomes in Chicago;
• Support underserved areas and student populations;
Provide opportunities for ROTARY/One members to engage with our community; and
• Leverage the knowledge and know-how of CPS teachers and ROTARY/One members regarding the needs of CPS students.


Eligibility criteria include:

• Serves grades preK-12 at Chicago Public Schools (CPS);
• Targeted to a classroom or entire grade level at a school;
• Implementation 2025-2026 school year;
Previous grantees from 2023 and 2024 may not apply again until the 2027-2028 academic year; and
• Schools may submit multiple proposals during this grant period


Submittal Instructions

Please follow the following guidelines for your submittal:

Length: 4 pages maximum
File Type: .pdf. Save as yourschoolname_RotaryGrant.
Clarity: There should be enough detail in the proposal so that individuals not familiar with terminology or products specific to your field can understand what the proposal is suggesting and its value. Please review the sample grant above to understand the level of required detail.

Contents (in this order):

    1. Basic biographical information. Include at a minimum your name, position/title, school, school address, contact e-mail, and contact phone number. Please include the name and contact information for the principal at your school.
    2. School demographic information. Provide information related to, at a minimum, number of students at the school, grade levels at the school, socioeconomic status of students (e.g., percent on free or reduced-price lunch), neighborhood of the school, student race/ethnicity information.
    3. Previous ROTARY/One CPS Grant. Have you received previously a ROTARY/One CPS grant? If so, in what year?
    4. Purpose and need. What is the need you are trying to satisfy? How did you identify this need? Please quantify the need if possible. How does this proposed project address ROTARY/One’s objectives for this grant program?
    5. Impact. Who will be impacted, e.g., how many students, and for how long? What are the short- and long-term impacts?
    6. Evaluation. Describe how you will demonstrate that you have met the purpose and need for the project and the ROTARY/One grant objectives, and how you will evaluate the success/impact.
    7. Schedule. How long will it take to implement this project? Will it be phased? When would funds need to be disbursed?
    8. Status reports. Ongoing brief monthly progress reports must be submitted by the 15th of each month to ROTARY/One until completion of the project. A final report must be submitted that provides an overview of the success/impact of the project, including pictures that may be used in ROTARY/One media.
    9. Budget. Please provide a budget table with estimated costs. We recognize that this is a best estimate. Receipts must be provided to ROTARY/One for any purchases.
    10. ROTARY/One participation. Some element of participation by ROTARY/One members is encouraged. Please describe any possibilities for participation.
    11. ROTARY/One recognition. Some element of recognition of ROTARY/One for the grant is encouraged (e.g., inclusion of ROTARY/One stickers on books or equipment). Please describe any possibilities for recognition. Note that your grant project may be highlighted in ROTARY/One media.
    12. Leadership buy-in. Please provide a signed statement confirming that your school principal, network chief, or district superintendent approves this project.


Email as one .pdf document to


Proposals are due by Midnight CDT April 11, 2025. Grant results are expected to be announced in mid-May.

Grant Awards

Grant requests are not to exceed $3000

ROTARY/One may opt to fund a portion of a proposal depending on available funding. ROTARY/One may be able to accomplish some elements of the proposed scope via in-kind contributions or donated items. The exact disbursal process or other funding specifics will vary based on the nature of the proposal. ROTARY/One will work with the grantee prior to project commencement to clarify these items before proceeding.

The ROTARY/One Community Service Committee reviews all grant applications and has final say on whether an application will be funded. The Committee may request further information on your proposal prior to approval. Note that usage of AI to generate your grant proposal is unacceptable

Grant Limitations

Recipients of Rotary Foundation Grants have been awarded funds to carry out the goals and objectives identified in the grant. These funds are subject to certain regulations, oversights, and audit.

  • Grant recipients are stewards of Rotary funds.
  • Grant dollars must be used for their intended purpose.
  • Grant recipients must account for costs and justify expenditures.

It is required that grant award winners will use the awarded money for the purposes stated in the grant application at the school indicated in the proposal. If there is any change, including a change in personnel, these changes must be communicated to, and ROTARY/One reserves the right to re-evaluate and/or request reapplication.

About the Rotary Club of Chicago

The Rotary movement began in Chicago in 1905 with the founding of the Rotary Club of Chicago (ROTARY/One). Today, the Rotary Club of Chicago boasts nearly 200 members who meet on a weekly basis, a dedicated Foundation (the ROTARY/One Foundation, Inc.), a vibrant calendar of guest speakers, and strong participation in service projects both in Chicago and across the world.

The Rotary Club of Chicago, through our fellowship of diverse, ethical individuals, works together to have a transformative impact on our internal and external community. Our Community Service Committee, which executes our service projects here in Chicago, has committed to focus this year on basic education and literacy.


Please submit questions to


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