
Member Fees and Dues

ROTARY/One offers several options for dues.  Once your membership is approved, you will be asked to select one of these options. If you have any questions about dues, please contact the Membership Co-Chairs, Nancy Kalchbrenner or Andrew O’Connor or contact the ROTARY/One office at office@rotaryone.club.


ACTIVE MEMBERS Under 40 Years Old

$80 per month – Active U40 Member – does not include weekly lunches which are $45/lunch.


ACTIVE MEMBERS Over 40 Years Old

$100 per month* – Active Members over 40 years old – does not include weekly lunches which are $40/lunch
*If preferred, active members can pay a one time, annual fee of $1200.  The annual fee is due by July 1 of each year.
$250 per month – Golden Wheel Active Members over 40 years old – covers dues and weekly luncheon meals.


ACTIVE MEMBERS Over 85 Years Old** (Senior) or R85 = age + number of years in Rotary

$80 per month – Active Members who are R85* (Senior) – does not include weekly lunches which are $40/lunch
**R85 is calculated by the age of the member + the number of years as a ROTARY/One member = 85 or more total years



This option includes dues, the cost of attending regular Tuesday meetings (not special events), and provides the member with recognition points and other benefits. See below for details.

Golden Wheel Benefits:

  • Includes cost of registration fee for regular lunch and after work events (Note: Special Events such as the Woman of the Year program, the President’s Installation, and the R1 Birthday Party are not included) – regular luncheon savings of over $20 per lunch per week
  • 50 Paul Harris points per month (The Rotary Foundation)
  • 50 Ches Perry points per month (ROTARY/One Foundation)
  • Name listed as a Golden Wheel member on the website and/or in the Gyrator

Paying your Dues

Your membership dues are due and payable on the first of each month.  All members must provide a credit card number to set up monthly recurring payments.

Donating to the ROTARY/One Foundation

The ROTARY/One Foundation is vital to funding our local and international service projects. All members are expected to contribute annually to the ROTARY/One Foundation.  Beginning February 1, 2023, Members will be asked to make automatic donation to the ROTARY/One Foundation – either monthly on the first of the month or annually on March 1.

How to Apply

Before submitting your application, we invite you to attend a meeting as our guest!  Please contact the ROTARY/One office to register – office@rotaryone.club.  We want you to have the opportunity to meet members, ask questions and get connected.

After you attend a meeting, you are invited to submit your application.  Once your application has been received, it will be considered at an upcoming meeting of the ROTARY/One Board of Directors.  The Board meets once a month, typically the first Tuesday of the month. If your application is approved, one of the membership co-chairs will contact you about next steps in the process which includes paying a $150.00 nonrefundable application fee and setting up your recurring dues payments before your membership is activated.  You will then be invited to an induction ceremony where you will be officially introduced to the ROTARY/One community!

Please attend meetings and events while your application is pending! Sign up to attend by visiting our calendar here.

We love to get to know prospective members and our Board of Directors will review your involvement when reviewing your application.