Richard Yang
Richard Yang has been interested in giving back to the community since he was young. “Growing up as the child of Taiwanese immigrants, one thing we have greatly noticed in the American culture is the concept of community service,” says Richard. “My parents enrolled me in Boy Scouts when I first started school to help me better assimilate into American culture.”
Boy Scouts, in addition to the numerous non-profit organizations that Richard has been exposed to, helped him realize people come from all walks of life. More importantly, he says, we try our best to help those less fortunate than us.
“Joining Rotary Club of Chicago is a great opportunity to work together for a common goal of volunteer service with many different members not just in Chicago, but also around the world,” Richard says. “Not many organizations offer this opportunity.”
Richard is the Vice President of Marketing and Sales at Global OEM Corporation. Since becoming a member of our club, Richard has joined the International Service Committee. Click here to connect with Richard on LinkedIn.
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